6-Way Guide To Heal Your Depression!

Depression is not what people call it nowadays. It is something a lot bigger than the sadness you experience when your favourite food store is closed or your vacations are cancelled. Depression is a common mental disorder and when lasted for a long period of time with moderate or severe intensity, it may become a serious health condition and can encourage suicides. Approximately 8 million people die due to suicide every year, making it the second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.

Although symptoms may vary from person to person, but if you are feeling the following too often and for a long period of time now, you might want to talk to someone...

• sad or empty
• helpless, hopeless, worthless
• irritative
• less energy and low interest in activities
• change in sleeping pattern and appetite
• lack of concentration
• in some cases, aches and pains. 

If you or someone you know suffers from depression, then do follow this 6-way guide to heal your depression and seek for medical advice immediately.

1. Exercise :

Exercise can cure depression and also helps to keep you emotionally, psychological and physically fit. Regular exercise does not only take your mind off the negative thoughts, but also increases production of happy hormones like endorphins and dopamine. Reaching your goals can help you gain more self-confidence. Also, just a smile to your neighbour can help you with your social life. If the modern day gym workout doesn't suit you, you can go for yoga and meditation too. 

2. Sleep Tight :

Depression and sleep go hand in hand and effect each other deliberately. Doctors are still not sure how but poor sleep can definitely worsen the status of your depression to an extent that even your meds can become dysfunctional. Hence, good sleep is a basic need to cure your depression.

3. Social Service :

Who doesn't feel happy by seeing someone smile because of them? By making a difference, even if it is small, you can find a meaning and understand how beautiful your life really is. It doesn't have to be a big, life-changing one, but baby steps and small charities can help you appreciate the good and take your mind away from negative feeds. 

4. Diet : 

The famous Indian phrase "Jaisa khave ann waise hoye mann" or your thoughts occur on the basis of what you eat, explains this part quiet nicely. Antioxidant rich food, complex carbs food, protein and selenium rich diet are proven to be beneficial for patients of depression. Including Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D and Vitamin B in your meals can help in lowering depression levels. Processed foods, caffeine and alcohol are best to be avoided. 

5. Self-care :

Focus on the epicenter of your depression. Heal it! Include events that you love to attend. Pursue your hobbies and do as pleased. Give yourself some me-time. Yes, it is important. For once, prioritise yourself. No, it is not called being selfish but it is indeed known as selfcare. Love yourself and be you. Let go of all the burdens and things related to society for a moment and be free. 

6. Relationships :

If the epicenter of your depression is relationships, which is the most common reason for depression nowadays, work them up. Work out your relationships or just leave them. It hurts to let go but sometimes it hurts horrendously to hold on. Focus on relationships that lift you up rather than which pull you down. 

Try these methods along with your medical treatments. Talk to a professional or a trusted adult. Everytime and in every case medicines doesn't help, but the inner desire to live a beautiful life always helps. Think of your loved ones and most importantly, think about yourself. You got this mate!
